Now, by the time the old tracking system kicks in, studios say they can do little more than brace for impact: Consumers have already made up their minds. 如今,老式消费者跟踪系统已经完蛋了,制片公司称,消费者在电影上映之前早已经下定决心,它们所能做的仅仅是被动应付由此带来的结果。
His doctor cautioned him to stop drinking and brace up if he wanted to lead a normal life. 医生告诫他,如果想过正常的生活,他必须戒酒并振作精神。
All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday. 我们每天都应该让自己做好准备,迎接可以预见的挫折和挑战。
The doctor cautioned him to brace up. 医生警告他要振奋精神。
Brace up, and make a man of yourself. 振作起来,做个男子汉吧。
Interest rates were raised to brace up the sagging dollar. 利率提高了,借以支撑疲软的美元。
Brace of Republican senators can set up his tin cans for him. 找两个共和党参议员帮他摆铁罐。
Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack. 于是萨利决定鼓足勇气,冒险正面进攻。
It was easy to think this; but it was hard to brace himself up to try it. 这事情想想倒是容易;可是他却很难壮起胆来试一下。
"Brace up," said rhett, and there was a hard, faintly jeering note in his voice. “你放心,”瑞德说,声音里带着一点讥讽的语调。
Can carry on one hand brace up share price, pass on partner, this is short-term effect; 一方面能够提振股价、回馈股东,这是短期效应;
Let's brace ( ourselves) up for the new task. 让我们振作起精神去做这项新的工作吧。
He tried to shake them off, to forget and brace up. 他想甩开它们,忘记它们,振作起来。
Brace oneself up for a task. 打起精神以备工作。
Brace up to take effective measure, fall off the hinder factor of health service utilization, enhance the health service effect utilization; 积极采取有效措施,减少阻碍卫生服务利用的因素,提高卫生服务有效利用率;
China is in the period of the tranformation of social structure. The dual pattern of separation and cooperation of the state and civil society and the relation of positive interaction are the structural brace which builds up a harmonious society. 对处于社会结构转型期的我国来说,国家与市民社会既分离又合作的二元格局及二者良性互动的关系是建构和谐社会的结构性支撑。
68 cases of lower extremity fractures were operated with the internal fixation by applying the brace. All cases got good reduction, stable fixation with the internal devices, and got bone union during 2 year follow up. 临床用于治疗68例各种下肢骨折,均获得良好的复位和内固定效果,2年后复查,骨折处骨性愈合,无内固定折断情况。
So Hubei should grasp the opportunity from the diversion of international economic and technology, brace up equipment manufacturing industry energetically, form independent core technology, drive the development of manufacturing consequently, achieve the diversion form "big manufacturing province" to "strong manufacturing province". 因此,湖北要抓住国际技术转移所带来的机遇,大力振兴装备制造业,形成自主的核心技术,从而带动整个制造工业的发展,实现从制造业大省到制造业强省的转变。
Brace Yourself Up To Talk About Brand Neurology It's up to you! 打起精神谈谈品牌神经学由你决定!就依你!